Secure your international assets and save your family time and money. Your main Will can cover your worldwide assets, but if you have assets in other countries, you may want a will for each country.
Country-Specific Online Will Service
What's Included:
- Last Will and Testament
- Letter to your Executors (To let them know that you have chosen them)
- Letter of Wishes
- List of Assets and Digital Assets
- PDF versions of all the documents
- Professional review of your Will and list of assets
- Video call to confirm identity and to answer any concerns or questions.
Available Add-ons:
- Storage service
Available Countries
This is a non-exhaustive list of countries for which we offer country-specific Wills. If you do not see your country listed, please contact us to see if we can help you. Please note that all country-specific Wills are written in English only.
We can write Wills for the following jurisdictions:
Australia | British Virgin Islands |
Canada | Cayman Islands |
France | Germany |
Gibraltar | Guernsey |
Hong Kong | India |
Ireland | Isle of Man |
Israel | Italy |
Japan | Jersey |
Luxembourg | Malaysia |
New Zealand | Philippines |
Singapore | South Africa |
Sweden | Switzerland |
Taiwan | Thailand |
United Kingdom | United States of America |
Vietnam |
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